
No. 3 - Telling meaningful employer brand stories

June 17, 2022

We will use examples from our broader research into content and channels

Now more than ever, using video to showcase an organisation's true self to candidates is of crucial importance.

Today’s candidates want to know what is behind the scenes of an organisation - the people, places, opportunities and experiences - and whether it’s a culture that connects with their values and aspirations. 

They also want video content served to them on the platforms where they already are.

Many employers though are still rolling out the same tired approaches to employer brand video - from the ‘day in the life’ to the big shiny brand film that looks great but says very little.

In this session we look at how you can tell better stories through video on the issues that will connect with candidates. We’ll cover…

  • How to avoid some of the employer brand video cliches.
  • The power of storytelling tropes - such as the origin story.
  • The power of the collective
  • Getting the most from user generated
  • Bringing to life the issues that really matter to candidates.
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